L'huile De Millepertuis

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L'huile De Millepertuis

Postby giamchua » 25 Apr 2009

L'huile de Millepertuis


Ses usages sont multiples : elle cicatrise les plaies et guérit les brûlures et coups de soleil ; on l'emploie en lavages pour les ulcères variqueux ; elle est recommandée pour les maladies des jointures, la sciatique, la goutte ; elle apaise les douleurs des dents.
On l'applique en compresses que l'on change matin et soir, recouvertes d'une couche d'ouate et d'une bande de crêpe.


- Fleurs de Millepertuis
- Huile d'Olive

Remplir une bouteille en recouvrir les fleurs
Exposer au soleil pendant quelques jours. L'huile devient bientôt rouge et sera bonne à être employée. Répartir dans de petites fioles pour éviter l'altération à l'ouverture.

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Re: L'huile De Millepertuis

Postby ieumuathu » 26 Apr 2009

IMT chi xao thoi
Last edited by ieumuathu on 30 Apr 2012, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: L'huile De Millepertuis

Postby justfun » 01 May 2009

Cây này tiếng Mỹ gọi là :St. John's Wort

Tiếng Latin :Hypericum perforatum

Tiếng Việt : Ngọng ( Không biết)

At least one out of every 20 Americans gets depressed each year, and many rely on anti-depressants to help them cope. A new study shows the herb St. John's Wort might be just as effective, and with fewer side effects....


Dr. Donald Brown of Bastyr University recommends that persons with fair skin avoid exposure to strong sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light when taking St. John's Wort because of some cases of photosensitivity that have been reported. He also advises avoiding foods that contain tyramine, alcoholic beverages, and medications such as tyrosine, narcotics, amphetamines, and over-the-counter cold and flu remedies while taking St. John's Wort. St. John's Wort should not be taken while also taking prescription antidepressants. It is also Dr. Brown's opinion that St. John's Wort should not be used during pregnancy or lactation.

According to Jonathan Zuess, MD (author of The Natural Prozac Program), tyramine seems to primarily be a problem if a person has high blood pressure. This is due to St. John's Wort working in a similar way to drugs that are monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

However, studies done in the 1990's have shown that the MAOI-like effect of St. John's Wort is negligible when it's used in normal doses. So it is unlikely that it would react with tyramine. In Germany, where doctors have had the most experience with St. John's Wort, it is considered safe to use in patients with high blood pressure.

Nonetheless, if you have high blood pressure, and your doctor agrees to your use of St. John's Wort, the following precautions should be taken:

1. Have your blood pressure checked at least weekly for the first six weeks, and at least monthly thereafter.
2. Do not eat foods containing tyramine.

Even if you do not have high blood pressure, do not take St. John's Wort with amino acid supplements (especially phenylalanine and tyrosine). Amino acids are a form of monoamines, which can pose a danger when mixed with St. John's Wort. The monoamines that you get in your diet (such as the amino acids in meat) are less concentrated and are not a hazard. ...

Theo all-natural dot com.
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Re: L'huile De Millepertuis

Postby lkkevin » 03 May 2009

ieumuathu wrote:bài này, chữ cũng có dấu, mà sao đọc không hiểu gì hít kà :cười:
tra tự điển hết bài này, chắc tóc quăn như Giấm quá :!:

DT...quen tra Chân Kinh của 5COP. rùi :cười:
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